How To Manage Circumcisions For Newborns With A Buried Penis

Posted on May 21st, 2024

Circumcision is a common procedure often performed on newborn males for various religious, cultural, and medical reasons. 

Despite its prevalence, certain anatomical variations, such as a buried penis, can present unique challenges. 

A buried penis is a condition where the shaft of the penis is hidden beneath the surface of the pubic skin, making it appear smaller or less visible. 

This condition can complicate the circumcision process, requiring specialized techniques and careful planning. 

Knowing how to manage circumcisions in babies with a buried penis is crucial for ensuring successful outcomes and minimizing complications. 

In this blog post, we will explore what a buried penis is, why it poses challenges for circumcision, and how healthcare professionals address these challenges to ensure the best results for infants. We will also discuss the importance of postoperative care and provide guidance for parents to support their child's recovery. 

If you are considering circumcision for your newborn and want to learn more about our specialized services, contact us to find out more about infant circumcision

Let's dive into the details of managing circumcisions for newborns with a buried penis.

What is a Buried Penis?

A buried penis, also known as a concealed or hidden penis, occurs when the penile shaft is obscured by the surrounding skin or fat tissue. This condition can affect newborns and may require medical attention, especially when circumcision is being considered. 

Being informed of the causes and symptoms of a buried penis is the first step in addressing this condition effectively.

Causes of a Buried Penis

Several factors can contribute to the development of a buried penis in newborns:

  • Excessive pubic fat: Infants with higher body weight may have an accumulation of fat in the pubic area, which can cover the penile shaft.
  • Tight skin attachments: The skin at the base of the penis may be attached in such a way that it pulls the penis inward, concealing it beneath the pubic skin.
  • Insufficient skin: Some newborns are born with a congenital condition where there is insufficient skin on the penis to allow for full protrusion.

These factors can vary in severity and may require different approaches for effective management.

Symptoms and Identification

Identifying a buried penis in newborns involves observing specific signs and symptoms. Parents and healthcare providers should look for the following indicators:

  • Reduced visibility of the penis: The penile shaft appears smaller or less visible than usual.
  • Difficulty with urination: In some cases, a buried penis can cause difficulties with urine flow, leading to potential hygiene issues and discomfort.
  • Skin folds and creases: Excess skin folds around the pubic area may conceal the penis, making it less prominent.

Early identification of a buried penis is crucial for planning appropriate medical interventions and ensuring that circumcision can be performed safely and effectively. In the next section, we will discuss the challenges of circumcision in babies with a buried penis and how healthcare professionals address these challenges.

Challenges of Circumcision in Babies with a Buried Penis

Circumcision in babies with a buried penis presents several unique challenges that require careful consideration and specialized techniques. 

These challenges stem from the anatomical characteristics of a buried penis, which can complicate the circumcision procedure and increase the risk of complications. Being aware of these challenges is essential for healthcare professionals and parents to ensure the best outcomes for the infant.

Visibility and Access Issues

One of the primary challenges of circumcision in babies with a buried penis is the difficulty in accessing the foreskin properly. The concealed nature of the penile shaft can make it challenging for surgeons to perform the procedure effectively.

Difficulties in Accessing the Foreskin:

  • The buried nature of the penis means that the foreskin may be less exposed, making it harder to grasp and manipulate during the circumcision procedure.
  • This limited access can increase the complexity of the surgery, requiring more precise and careful handling by the surgeon.

Techniques to Improve Visibility and Access:

  • Surgeons may use specialized techniques to improve visibility and access to the foreskin. This can include gently pulling back the surrounding skin and fat tissue to expose more of the penile shaft.
  • In some cases, temporary sutures or retractors may be used to hold the skin in place, allowing better access to the foreskin.

Risk of Complications

The anatomical characteristics of a buried penis can also increase the risk of complications during and after circumcision. These complications can affect the overall outcome of the procedure and the infant's recovery.

Increased Risk of Uneven Skin Removal:

  • The buried nature of the penis can make it challenging to ensure an even removal of the foreskin. This can result in uneven or inadequate circumcision, which may require additional surgical intervention.

Potential for Excessive Bleeding and Improper Healing:

  • The increased difficulty in accessing and manipulating the foreskin can lead to a higher risk of bleeding during the procedure. Surgeons must take extra care to control bleeding and ensure proper hemostasis.
  • Improper healing is another concern, as the buried penis can complicate the healing process. There is a higher risk of adhesions, where the remaining foreskin sticks to the glans, and retraction, where the skin pulls back excessively during healing.

To mitigate these risks, surgeons must use meticulous techniques and provide thorough postoperative care to ensure proper healing and minimize complications.

Postoperative Care and Monitoring

Postoperative care is crucial for ensuring the success of circumcision in babies with a buried penis. Proper care and monitoring can help prevent complications and promote optimal healing.

Proper Wound Care:

  • Keeping the surgical site clean is essential to prevent infection. Parents should be instructed on how to clean the area gently and avoid using harsh soaps or chemicals.
  • Regular application of a protective ointment, such as petroleum jelly, can help reduce friction and promote healing.

Follow-up Visits:

  • Regular follow-up appointments with the healthcare provider are necessary to monitor the healing process and address any concerns. These visits allow the provider to check for signs of infection, adhesions, or improper healing.
  • Early detection of complications can lead to prompt intervention, ensuring that any issues are resolved quickly and effectively.

Parental Guidance:

  • Educating parents on what to expect during the healing process is essential. They should be aware of normal signs of healing, such as mild swelling and redness, as well as signs of complications that require medical attention, such as excessive swelling, discharge, or persistent pain.

By addressing the challenges of circumcision in babies with a buried penis through careful planning, specialized techniques, and thorough postoperative care, healthcare professionals can achieve successful outcomes and ensure the well-being of the infant. In the next section, we will explore the various approaches and techniques used to perform circumcision in babies with a buried penis.

Discover Our Exceptional Bris and Infant Circumcision Services

Choosing the right provider for circumcision, especially for infants with a buried penis, is crucial for ensuring a safe and successful outcome. 

Our clinic offers specialized services designed to meet the unique needs of each patient, providing high-quality care and expert guidance throughout the process. We are committed to delivering the best possible experience for both parents and infants, ensuring comfort, safety, and satisfaction.

Infant Circumcision (In Clinic)

We specialize in providing infant circumcision services in a clinic setting, offering a professional and compassionate approach tailored to the specific needs of your child. Our experienced medical team is skilled in handling the complexities of circumcision in babies with a buried penis, utilizing advanced techniques to ensure the best outcomes.

  • Professional Experience at an Affordable Price:We understand that cost is an important consideration for many families. Our clinic offers the same unparalleled personalized service at an affordable price, making it the perfect choice for cost-conscious clients. The standard price for our infant circumcision service is $800.00, but we offer a reduced price of $600 for clients on Medicaid or State Health Insurance (Apple Care).
  • Flexible Scheduling:We strive to accommodate the busy schedules of our clients by offering flexible scheduling options, including Sunday and early evening hours. This flexibility ensures that you can find a convenient time for your child’s procedure without disrupting your routine.
  • Expert Care in a Comfortable Setting:Our clinic is designed to provide a comfortable and welcoming environment for both parents and infants. We prioritize the comfort and well-being of your child throughout the entire process, from the initial consultation to postoperative care.

Why Choose Our Services?

Choosing our clinic for your infant's circumcision means opting for a provider that values expertise, patient care, and comprehensive support. Here are some reasons why our services stand out:

  • Highly Trained Medical Professionals:Our team consists of highly trained and experienced medical professionals who specialize in pediatric circumcision. Their expertise ensures that each procedure is performed with precision and care.
  • State-of-the-Art Facility:We operate in a modern, fully-equipped clinic that meets the highest standards of hygiene and safety. Our facility is designed to provide a stress-free environment for our patients and their families.
  • Patient-Centered Approach:We prioritize patient comfort and satisfaction. From the initial consultation to postoperative care, we ensure that our patients are well-informed, comfortable, and supported throughout their treatment journey.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, please visit our Infant Circumcision (In Clinic) services page.


Circumcision in babies with a buried penis requires a thoughtful and meticulous approach to ensure safety and effectiveness. Parents should feel empowered to ask questions and understand the procedures and care involved, ensuring they can support their child through the healing process. 

If you have any questions or need further information about our services, don't hesitate to contact us. Reach out to us at (206) 657-6394 or email us at [email protected]. We look forward to helping you and your child through this important procedure.

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Contact me!

Please call me at 856-291-1873 to discuss any questions you may have, or to schedule a Bris or Circumcision.